Project quick facts
PRESS Project
Aims at improving the lives of refugees and host communities. The project has three components: livelihood, early childhood development, and sexual reproductive health and rights.
Rubaga, Makindye, Kampala central
project description
Makasi Rescue Foundation is implementing a one-year Hilton Foundation funded project in Kampala Capital City Authority with the purpose of improving the lives of refugees and host communities. The project has three components: livelihood, early childhood development, and sexual reproductive health and rights. Some of the achievements to date include enrolling and training 100 beneficiaries in vocational training, supporting 100 beneficiaries with capital support to start up small micro enterprises, and forming three saving groups consisting of 100 members.
Project Impact Summary
– 100 beneficiaries (70 refugees, 30 Ugandans) trained in vocational skills
– 100 beneficiaries supported with capital for businesses
– 78 students undergoing vocational training for second cohort
– 3 saving groups formed with 100 members
– Early childhood development center established, 202 pupils enrolled, 36 graduated
– 20 outreaches on sexual reproductive health, 607 received HIV services, 441 treated for STIs, 600 received family planning
– 265 students undertaking English sessions
– 600 females received sanitary pads, 7 schools educated on hygiene
– Collaborated for World Refugee Day, International Youth Day, etc.
– Urban gardening for sustainability.

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Najjanankumbi II,
Kizito Zone, Entebbe Road, Rubaga Division,
P.O BOX 450, Kampala-Uganda.
+256 709032989 +256 764708205